تصورعلم و معرفت
تصور علم و معرفت - مغرب اور اسلامی دنیا میں ابحاث - اسلامی دنیا پہ مغربی فکر کے اثرات - مغرب میں فلسفہ اور دین کی شدید لڑائی Thinkers & Philosophers of the Islamic Tradition (Unani Tradition & Revelation) - Knowledge in the Western Tradition (Greek Tradition & Mythology, Jewish & Christian Tradition) - A Story of Knowledge - The epistemological turn in the West in the 17th Century.
Dr. Syed Rizwan Zamir, 2018
ایک ماہ تعارفی درس برائے نظریہ علم
One Month Comparative Study on the Story of Knowledge, 2018
This introductory course (2018) traced the quest for knowledge in the Western tradition (Greek-Jewish-Christian heritage) and the Islamic tradition (Greek-Islamic heritage) by inviting participants to encounter some of the seminal figures of each tradition, and in the process, 1) Get a glimpse into the life and times of those figures, 2) Come to ask the core questions, detect the underlying tensions and concerns, and feel the key crises and critical encounters in their lives and works as responses, 3) Develop a basic sense of the nature and contours of their contribution and the broader impact of their legacy.
The Quest for Knowledge in the Western & the Islamic Tradition.
What is knowledge?
Are there different levels and modes of knowledge, and if so, what are distinctions and relationships between them?
What can be known and how can we know it?
Can we know anything for certain?
What does it mean to know?
نظریہ علم
Basic Questions on Islamic Philosophy with Hamid Reza Fazil. What is وجود Existence. What is علم Knowledge. What is the need for فلسفہ Philosophy. Is it possible to know God. Video Link
Excerpts from a Seminar on Epistemology in 2013. On the second day with Dr. Shehzad Qaiser (Excerpt Link) & Hamid Reza Fazil (Excerpt Link)
خَلْق، خُلُق، اخلاق
Khalq-Khuluq-Ikhlaq! Conversation on Ethics & Theology | Hamid Reza & Syed Rehan Gelani